Attendance & Absence
Student Support
Our non-clinical case managers will work to address your needs as a student, particularly if you may benefit from additional assistance to succeed academically, socially or emotionally. We aim to create a supportive environment where every student can thrive, regardless of your challenges or circumstances. Our services include:
- Identifying problems
- Identifying strengths and areas for growth
- Setting goals and action plans
- Coordinating and collaborating with on and off-campus resources
- Providing Advocacy
- Notifying faculty of absences for:
- Bereavement
- Temporary Impairment
- Situations lasting 3 or more days
- Identifying and developing skills of:
- Time management
- Problem-solving
- Goal setting
- Communication
- Coping
- Self-advocacy
- Wellbeing/Self-care
Bereavement Policy
If you experience the death of a loved one, you must contact the Dean of Students Office to enact either the Standard Bereavement Procedure or the Leave of Absence Bereavement Procedure. Our office has the right to request a document verifying the death (for example, a funeral program or death notice).
Bereavement leave typically applies to the death of a family member. However, it is up to our discretion to determine if a death outside of the immediate family warrants application of the student bereavement policy.
Extended Absences
The Dean of Students Office will notify instructors of an extended student absence. If you are unable to attend classes for 3 consecutive school days or more due to an illness, family or other emergency, we will send written notification of the absence to your instructors when this service is requested by the student.
Our office does not verify or excuse absences. If an instructor requests verification of an absence, we will make copies of any verification you provided.
Temporary Impairments
Temporary impairments include, but are not limited to, injuries, broken limbs, burns, post surgery recovery/rehabilitation and other similar conditions, which temporarily impair and/or interfere with your ability to fully participate in academic activities. They usually are not classified as disabilities, and therefore are not included under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The University is not obligated to provide services to students with temporary impairments. However, communication about the impairment and accommodations can result in an effective solution.
The primary responsibility for seeking assistance and support lies with you, the student. Because temporary disabilities range in severity, every case must be handled individually. You can set up an appointment with the Dean of Students to discuss your options.

Ask an Expert
If you have any questions about our policies regarding attendance and absence, get in touch with Katie Morois, Assistant Dean of Students.