Cybersecurity Pre-Approved Prerequisite Options
If you need to meet the minimum computer science and/or math prerequisites required for admission to the Master of Science Cybersecurity program, the following is a list of pre-approved online options you can choose from to meet those requirements.
Note: This is not an all-inclusive list. If you have the courses available to you at your local community college or university, those can be considered. Asterisk (*) indicates recommended courses.
Computer Science: Pre-Approved Prerequisite Options
Course Title | Offered Through | Prerequisite | Semester Availability |
INFOST350x Introduction to Application Development* | UW Flexible Option Information Science & Technology (UW-Milwaukee) | None | Monthly start dates |
APC 300 Programming 1* | UW Applied Computing | None | Fall, Spring, Summer |
UWX CS130 Introduction to Programming* | UW Online Collaboratives Associate of Arts and Science | UMX MA116 or equivalent | Spring, Summer, Fall |
COMPSCI 250 Introductory Computer Programming | UW-Milwaukee | Math Placement Level 30 | Fall, Summer |
CSCI 130 Introduction to Programming | UW-Parkside | Math 111 | Fall, Spring, Summer |
CS 141 Introduction to Programming | UW-Stout | None | Fall |
Math: Pre-Approved Prerequisite Options
Course Title | Offered Through | Prerequisite | Semester Availability |
U3600-114 – Calculus 1 | UW Independent Learning | Completion of a college-level pre-calculus mathematics course with a C or better or the equivalent, or completion of U3600-109 Algebra for Calculus or similar college algebra course and a trigonometry course with a C or better or the equivalent, or four-years of above-average work in college-prep mathematics, including one semester of trigonometry. | Ongoing |
UWX MA221 Calculus 1 | UW Online Collaboratives Associate of Arts and Sciences | Grade C or better in UWX MA116 and UWX MA113 or placement into UWX MA221 | Spring, Summer |
MATH 114 Calculus 1 | UW-Eau Claire | MATH 109 and MATH 113, or MATH 112, or four years of above-average work in college-prep mathematics, including one semester of trigonometry and a suitable mathematics placement test score. | Summer |
MATH 221 Calculus | UW-Madison | MATH 112 or 114 or placement into MATH 211 | Spring, Summer |
MATH 153 Calculus 1 | UW-Stout | Math placement score or MATH-121 required. Not open to students with credit in MATH-154, MATH-156, MATH-157, or MATH-158. | Summer |
MATH 166 Calculus 1 | UW-River Falls | MATH 147, or 149, or four years of above-average work in college-prep mathematics, including one semester of trigonometry and a suitable mathematics placement test score. | Summer |
MATH 111 Applied Calculus | UW-Steven's Point | MATH 100 or MATH 107, or suitable placement test score. | Fall, Spring, Summer |
U3600-246 - Elementary Statistics | UW Independent Learning | Completion of an introductory-level Algebra course or U3600-110 College Algebra with a C or better or the equivalent. | Ongoing |
UWX MA117 Elementary Statistics | UW Online Collaboratives Associate of Arts and Sciences | Grade of C or better in UWX MA093 or UWX MA108 or placement into UWX MA116 | Fall, Spring |
U296-241 – Business Statistics | UW Independent Learning | Math 104, 106, 108, 204, 206, or 171 with a grade of C or better, OR qualified to enroll in Math 106 or 171. Not open to students who have completed Economics 472 or 473. | Ongoing |
MATH 246 Elementary Statistics | UW-Eau Claire | Grade of C or above in MATH 20, or 2 years of college-prep algebra + suitable math placement score, or concurrent enrollment in MATH 50 + suitable placement score, or grade of C or above in MATH 50. | Summer |
MATH 260 Introductory Statistics | UW-Green Bay | MATH 101 with at least a C, or WPT-MFND score > 465 and WPT-AALG score > 525 | Fall, Spring |
CGS MAT 215 Elementary Statistical Analysis | UW-Milwaukee | Math Placement Level 30 or higher, or a grade of C or better in CGS MAT 102, CGS MAT 103, CGS MAT 105, CGS MAT 108, CGS MAT 115, or CGS MAT 116. | Spring, Summer |
MATH 1830 Elementary Statistics | UW-Platteville | MATH 10 or MATH 12 or MATH 15 with a C- or better or mathematics proficiency level of 10 or above | Summer |
MATH 216 Elementary Statistical Concepts | UW-River Falls | WPT Math Formula score of 40+, ACT Math Score 20+, or Math 30. Cannot be taken after receiving a C- or better in another statistics course. | Summer |
MATH 226 Fundamentals of Statistics | UW-River Falls | MATH 146 or equivalent. Cannot be taken after receiving a C- or better in a more advanced statistics course. | Summer |
MATH 130 Elementary Statistics | UW-Superior | Adequate math placement score or completion of MATH 095 with a C- or better. | Fall, Spring, Summer |
MATH 225 Elementary Statistical Methods | UW-Stevens Point | MATH 95 or suitable placement test score. | Spring, Summer |
MATH 109 Elementary Statistics | UW-Oshkosh | Mathematics 103 with a grade of C or better or placement. | Fall, Spring |

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