Contact Us
Connect with the Cupboard
Our doors are open to all.
We're supported by and made for the community. Through generous donations, whether it's money or items, the cupboard continues to support UW-Green Bay community members in need. If you have questions about donations, need accommodations to use the Cupboard or want more information about our services, we're always here for you.
Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m.- to p.m. during Fall & Spring semesters. Winter & Summer hours are posted on our door.
On the Green Bay campus, we're located in Rose Hall room 140. Riding the bus? Enter the 1st floor of the library from the bus stop and turn right. Driving? Use the 15-minute parking located outside of Wood Hall.
Free & Available
The Campus Cupboard is free and available to all UW-Green Bay students, faculty and staff.