Founders Award
Anyone from the UW-Green Bay community can nominate a faculty member, instructor, lecturer or staff member for the Founders Association Awards, the highest achievement at our university. The College of Science and Technology has had many Founders Award recipients. Here, we honor the four most recent winners in each award category.
University Staff Award for Excellence
We recognize these University Staff whose activities, accomplishments and service within the institution and the community are most deserving of acknowledgement by the University.

2023: Tina Tackmier

2021: Amy Ibuaka

2017: Janet Ludke

2012: Mark Damie
Academic Support Award for Excellence
We recognize these faculty for exemplary commitment to their work, showing innovation/creativity, being involved in activities that are valuable to the institution or helpful to a range of people in a number of different ways and being active in governance and/or professional associations.

2023: Joe Schoenebeck
Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship
We recognize these faculty for the quality, number and impact of articles and books published as well as performances, exhibits, residences, commissions, workshops and/or conference presentations or grants.

2019: Patrick Forsythe

2017: Robert Howe

2015: Mathew Dornbush

2014: Amy Wolf
Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching
We recognize these faculty members for evidence of teaching innovations and/or writing assignments as well as the number of independent studies, honors projects, internships or graduate projects undertaken.

2022: James Kabrhel

2021: Brian Merkel

2000: Warren Johnson

1997: Donna Ritch
University Award for Excellence in Community Outreach
We recognize these recipients for functioning as liaisons between the University and the community; participating in volunteer work, clubs, service organizations, advisory boards or foundations; organizing forums or community programs; and making regular presentations to the public.

2019: Dietetics Program

2015: John Luczaj

2007: Kevin Fermanich

2006: John Katers
University Award for Excellence in Institutional Development
We recognize these recipients for the number, importance and range of committees or activities that serve the institution on either the local or system wide level as well as their leadership qualities, knowledge of issues, capacity of encourage and motivate other (collegiality).

2022: Mike Draney

2018: Patricia Terry

2016: Steve Meyer

2010: Greg Davis
University Award for Excellence in Collaborative Achievement
We recognize these recipients for being members of a committee, task force, special group or department working to advance the mission of the University.

2022: Cofrin Center for Biodiversity

2017: Vicki Medland

2013: EMBI

2005: Harold (Jack) Day

What to Learn more?
UW-Green Bay Alum and Dean of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology, John Katers, wants to hear from you!