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Sales Institute


Achieve consistent, standout sales results.

Sales is not just about persuading someone. It’s about creating value by understanding and fulfilling customer needs, providing education and information, building relationships and driving economic growth. With the Sales Institute, you will master the sales fundamentals and expert moves needed for consistent, standout sales results.


high angle of a hand shake at a meeting table

Our Institute at a Glance

Find out more about the Sales Institute.


Ongoing, Continuous Availability
12 Interactive Modules


Online Anytime


$1,700 for all 12 modules

Office Hours

Learn from an expert! Industry leader, Walt Melcher, will be available at scheduled times throughout the certificate to connect directly with you to provide mentoring and support.

High-Impact Modules

Master the sales fundamentals and expert moves needed for consistent, standout results. Learn proven techniques and build a sales toolkit that optimizes your time, maximizes results and benefits both the seller and customer by creating mutual value and long-term success.


Understand the mindset of top sellers and your buyers to address how you'll solve their pain or fuel their growth.

  • Growth vs. Pain Matrix
  • R.E.A.D. Buyers' Habits
  • Stakeholder Framework

Plan for Success

Create your personal GPS guiding you to filter leads and prioritize time and activities that achieve maximum success.

  • Lead Filter
  • Peak Plan
  • Quarterly Lead Creation

Winning Words

Use winning words to craft your personal pitch and stories that persuade and help you win over the customer.

  • P.I.T.C.H. Framework
  • R.I.S.E. Story Framework
  • Nonverbal Language

G.A.P. Mastery

Master qualifying leads faster, identify pain vs. desired state by asking expert questions and listening for gold.

  • G.A.P. Framework
  • S.C.A.N. Framework
  • Question Buyer Matrix

Prospecting Power

Boost your pipeline harnessing powerful tools for cold calls, emails and networking success.

  • B.R.A.V.E. Calling Framework
  • No Delete Email Guide
  • Call & Email Scripts

Master the Meeting

Master your meetings by evolving from seller to advisor. Diffuse objections to advance and win more deals.

  • P.E.A.L. Meeting Framework
  • Perfect Agenda
  • Objection Matrix

Plan to Persuade

Confidently strategize to progress sales and secure a compelling customer pitch. 

  • Client Compass
  • Winning Request for Proposal (RFP) Checklist

Win the Room, Win the Deal

Prepare and deliver the perfect pitch to win the room (votes) and win the deal. 

  • I.D.E.A.L. Pitch Framework
  • Engagement Framework
  • Visual A.I.D. Guide

Dream Team

Build a winning team. Coach, practice and sell like a dream team with meeting manners and etiquette.

  • Team Brainstorm
  • K.I.S.S. Framework
  • Coach's Handbook

L.E.A.D. To Close

Close crisply, follow-up uniquely, overcome objections, negotiate for win-win and close like a pro.

  • L.E.A.D. Framework
  • W.I.N. Negotiation Framework

Revive & Referrals

Reignite deals gone dark and spark referrals from happy customers.

  • C.P.R. Framework
  • Revive Script
  • Referral Checklist

Lead Forward

Learn, adapt and lead. Progress with confidence, coach others and commit to continuous improvement for greater success.

  • Customer Debrief
  • Team Debrief
  • Player-Coach Framework


instructor Walt Melcher

Walt Melcher

Founder & CEO of Expert Sales Institute

With over 30 years of experience, Walt Melcher is a seasoned sales leader who has taught and implemented a proven sales process to boost growth in multiple sales territories across the U.S. for both Fortune 500 companies and small businesses. Known for his positive growth mindset, Walt has successfully sold to and coached sales teams to win new clients in industries such as manufacturing, technology, financial services, transportation, healthcare, professional services, and more. Walt is passionate about sharing his proven sales process, strategies and techniques to help businesses build high-performing sales teams and boost revenue growth.  

Christopher Ledvina

Need Guidance?

If you have any questions or need additional guidance, please contact Christopher Ledvina, Business Development Specialist.

Email Christopher