When People Talk,
Understand how communication happens.
Our field is not just for people who like to talk – it’s also for people who listen. To understand more about the communication process, you’ll participate in group projects and guided discussions in all of your courses. And it's challenging! You'll devote a lot of time, effort and take a few risks along the way. After all, growth occurs outside of your comfort zone.

Broaden Your
As a communication major, you have the choice between 8 different areas of emphasis to help deepen your expertise in the avenues of our field. Plus, a communication minor is a great complement to all sorts of career paths. Many of our students complete two or more emphases in their four-year academic path. If you're looking for online courses and degree flexibility, our generalist emphasis allows for you to select any upper level courses of interest to you and it can be completed face-to-face, completely online, or a mix of both.

Network to
Get Work
Kendra Lepper signed up for Internship Draft Day as an alternative assignment option for Professor Shauna Froelich’s Theories of the Interview class. With Lepper's knowledge about each company and position as well as her cheerful personality, she sailed through the interviews, providing a comfortable and conversational experience for both her and the interviewers. She earned the #1 draft pick at the 2021 Internship Draft Day and was offered two internships on the spot!
Kendra Lepper '22
Communication Major and Business Minor
Your Experience at UW-Green Bay
What being a communication major means:
- Respond well to feedback and learn to embrace the continuous improvement mindset
- Collaborate with a group
- Take initiative by reading your e-mail, filling out forms on time and following directions
- Analyze numeric data
- Develop critical thinking, analytical and technical skills
What You'll Learn
- Developing persuasive content
- Enhancing interpersonal communication competence skills
- Analyzing audiences
- Planning strategically
- Applying mass media skills
- Discerning underlying communication problems
- Researching, creating and presenting reports to a group
- Focusing on understanding rather than evaluating
Add/Change Area of Emphasis
Our major is dynamic, and it can take some time to know what part of communication is most interesting to you. If you'd like to add or change your area of emphasis, please send an email to your Academic Advisor. To see who your assigned advisor is, login to SIS. The email should contain the following statement:
"I'm already a communication major and have been admitted to the program. I would like to add/change my area of emphasis to..." Indicate the specific emphasis/emphases in the appropriate spot.

Stay in the Loop
We have answers to questions about course requirements, scholarship opportunities, financial aid options and more.