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Regalia is a special symbol or item that signifies membership or participation in a group at UW-Green Bay. Examples may include cords, stoles or pins.

Regalia Policy

Academic Regalia

Academic Regalia represents membership in UW-Green Bay honors societies.

Group NameRegalia
Alpha Sigma Lambda 
Burgundy & gold cords or white & burgundy stole 
Beta Beta Beta 
Red & green cords and medallion
Chi Alpha Sigma 
Black & gold cords 
International Education 
Sash w/ design of country of study or citizenship 
Phi Alpha 
Royal blue & gold cords 
Phi Alpha Theta 
Red & light-blue cords 
Phi Eta Sigma 
Yellow & Gold, or Black ribbon medallion or Yellow & Gold / Black Honors Cords
Phi Kappa Phi 
Blue & yellow honor cords, blue medallion, or yellow stole 
Psi Chi 
Dark blue & platinum cords 
Rising Phoenix Early College High School Program
White Stoles with Green border
Sigma Beta Delta 
Green & gold cords 
Sigma Tau Delta 
Cardinal & black cords 
Sigma Theta Tau 
Orchid & white cords 
UW-Green Bay 
Green & white cords 
UW-Green Bay 
Medallion suspended on green ribbon 
UW-Green BayULA pin

Non-Academic Regalia

Non-Academic Regalia represents membership in a student organization or other on-campus group.

Group NameRegalia
Accounting Students AssociationMaroon & silver cords
Alternate TheatreGold & Silver Cords (Members); Gold Pin (Eboard)
Art AgencyBlack Cord with cyan, magenta, and yellow
Aspiring EducatorsGold cords
Ballroom Dance ClubRed & silver cords
Black Student UnionBlack Stole with Green, Yellow, Red stripes and Gold words
Bowling ClubWhite cords
Campus Cupboard/BSW studentsLight Blue, Orange, & Green Cords
Cheerleading TeamForest green stole with white lettering with the GB cheerleading logo on the bottom of both sides
College DemsSilver/Teal/Royal Blue single grad cord
Collegiate 4-HGreen Stoles with a White 4 leaf clover
Collegiate DECADECA Royal Blue & White Cords
Dance TeamMint green cords, white and green stole
Delight MinistriesSolid pink cords
Education Center for First Nations Studies
First Nations Stoles 
Engineering Club
Orange cords 
EsportsIntertwined Green, Light Green, & Silver Cord
First-Generation College StudentLime green cords
GBIT Student EmployeesSolid gold color and the other would be a combination of silver and crimson
Hip Hop TeamSilver Stole w/ forest green UWGB Hip Hop Logo (members); Forest Green Cords
Inclusivity and Equity Student Certificate Program 
Multi-color cord
Kappa Beta Gamma 
Gold stole w/ Greek lettering 
Kappa Sigma (Upsilon-Eta Chapter) 
Red stole w/ gold & green lettering 
Men's VolleyballWhite, Black, Light Blue cords
Multicultural Resource CenterCultural Stoles 
National Residence Hall Honorary (Phoenix Flame Chapter) 
Blue & white cords 
National Student Nurses' AssociationTri Color Gold, Teal, Purple Cords (NSNA logo)
Nursing Program 
Personal Finance Planning AssociationLight Blue, White and Green Cords
Phoenix Catholic Student OrganizationLight Blue and Gold
Phoenix Law Society 
Endea Graduation Single Honor Cord Two-Color (Purple/Silver)
Phoenix Student VenturesCyan/Rose Pink/Yellow Single Cords
Pink Swear AmbassadorsNavy blue and orange cords
Pi Beta PhiMaroon stole with light blue Greek letters of Pi Beta Phi
Pre-Med/PA Club 
Maroon & White cords, maroon & white stole
Pre-Physical Therapy ClubGold and white cords
Pre-Vet ClubLight blue and purple cords
Pride Center 
Lavender cords 
Pride CenterLavender Stole with Progress Flag
Resident MentorLight blue and white cords
Red Cross Club
Red Cord 
Sheepshead Review 
Maroon Stole (Editorial Roles); Sheepshead Review Pin (Members) 
Ski and SnowboardTurqo
Social Work Association
Orange stole w/ white lettering 
Society of Human Resources Management
Navy Blue, Light Blue, & White SHRM Cords 
Student Ambassadors 
White Stole w/ forest green trim and logo on bottom left; or Pin w/ A Team Logo 
Student Association for Management 
Red & White cords w/ Gold (Organization Officers); Red & White cords (Members) 
Student Athletes 
Green stole w/ lettering 
Student Employee of the Year 
Silver cords 
Student Finance Association 
Orange and White Cords 
Student Government Association 
White stole with colored SGA logo, Royal Blue & Red Double Cords
Theta Eta Alpha 
Pink & White Stole, (Members); Pink & Green Cords, (Exec Board) 
Taekwondo Club of UWGB
Red, White, and Black Cord
University Union employeeBlack and silver cords (double)
Veterans Services 
Red, white, & blue cords 
Women in Technology 
Royal Blue, White And Forest Green cords 
Women of ColorLight pink and light lilac cords
Women Volleyball ClubTeal and white cord 
Zeta Omega Tau 
Navy Blue Stole w/ White lettering and Silver and White Cords

Non-Academic Regalia Request

Student organizations or groups requesting non-approved regalia for the commencement ceremony may issue a request with the commencement team.

Regalia Request

Nina Dessoir

Any Questions?

Don't see your organization on the list or have questions about what you can wear at Commencement? Call the Commencement team at 920-465-2720 or send an email.

Email the Team