For Instructors
Give Your Students
Become a College Credit in High School instructor.
If you have a master's degree or at least 18 graduate credits in your discipline, you may be able to teach College Credit in High School courses to your students and help them prepare for success.
![smiling teacher wearing yellow writing on marker board](/getmedia/bb29148d-7160-40a1-b832-b8e2888afefe/teacher-wearing-yellow-writing-on-marker-board.jpg)
Instructors are required to have a master’s degree in the discipline they are teaching. If a teacher’s master’s degree is in another discipline, they must have at least 18 graduate credits in the discipline. Additionally, discipline-specific experience may be evaluated by UW-Green Bay faculty to determine if they qualify as an instructor.
For instructors applying to teach in modern languages who have a master’s degree other than the language, they will be required to take the OPI Proficiency and Writing Proficiency assessments through Language Testing International and are required to score in the advanced range. UW-Green Bay will provide access to these assessments at no cost to the instructor or school district.
Potential instructors submit materials to the CCIHS Program Specialist by email for review and submission to the UW-Green Bay faculty department. The faculty will evaluate the potential instructor’s credential to determine their approval.
Currently there are two levels of approval:
Instructors have a master’s degree and adequate experience, but not a minimum of 18 graduate credits in the discipline. Provisionally approved instructors are approved to start teaching the class but must earn the minimum number of graduate credits by September 2025.
Fully Approved
Instructors have a master’s degree in the discipline or if their master’s degree is in another area, they have a minimum of 18 graduate credits in the field or adequate additional experience. Fully approved instructors do not need additional coursework.
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Earn Additional
Graduate Credit
We are committed to helping teachers complete graduate courses.
Current CCIHS instructors can be reimbursed for graduate courses that will help them meet Higher Learning Commission (HLC) requirements. Before you enroll, please review our instructor reimbursement policies.
Graduate Credit Options
We can recommend the following options for graduate credit. Please complete the request pre-approval form before enrolling in any graduate level coursework. Coursework can be taken at other universities with pre-approval from Patrick Neuenfeldt. Email Patrick.
![Graduate Credit Quest Logo](/getmedia/e985b791-76b9-4728-a5ef-1288602eba98/Graduate-Credit-Quest.jpg)
Graduate Credit Quest
The Graduate Credit Credential Quest program has been developed to help Wisconsin teachers earn the necessary credentials to begin and to continue teaching college credit courses in their high school. This program is a collaboration with the Northeast Wisconsin Educational Resource Alliance (NEWERA) to provide graduate course work at UW-System Institutions. Learn about the courses Graduate Credit Quest offers.
![Minnesota State University Moorhead Logo](/getmedia/0c7e728f-8a6c-44d4-b2c8-c626af486376/Minnesota-State.jpg)
Minnesota State University Moorehead
Minnesota State University Moorhead has a variety of online, graduate-level courses available for teachers that instruct dual-credit courses in high school. Contact Katy Johnson for application information. Learn about the courses offered at Minnesota State University Moorhead.
HLC Accredited
UW-Green Bay is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The HLC is the accrediting body of higher education institutions in the North central region of the United States. The HLC determines the required credentials of all faculty and adjunct instructors at UW-Green Bay including concurrent enrollment instructors through the College Credit in High School program.
![Portrait of Crystal Williams](/getmedia/fdcfffda-4c32-461b-bbe9-44c5358f02c3/Crystal-Williams-square.jpg)