Data Resources
The Cofrin Center for Biodiversity stores, manages, and archives a plethora of data in the Data Management Center, Richter Museum of Natural History, and Fewless Herbarium. Data resources include:
- Historical information pertaining to the Green Bay area and northeastern Wisconsin
- Monitoring data (e.g., birds, anurans, bats, plants, snakes)
- Natural areas management work
- Geospatial information, including GIS data and maps
- Grant-funded research projects
- Reports and scientific literature
- Master's theses
- Class projects and reports
- Cofrin Student Research Grant reports and archived data
- Photographs (e.g., natural areas, research, flora/fauna)
- Reference books and field guides
- Animal and plant specimens
Some of these resources are available upon request; please send us an email at if you are interested. In the future, we aim to make many of these data resources available online through MS SharePoint. Please stay tuned for updates.