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We're Here For You
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Our primary mission is your academic success. Because of our small class sizes, you’ll be able to build meaningful relationships with professors. They can help you if you’re struggling in class, get you access to research and internship opportunities and guide you on the path to your career.
Faculty & Staff

Julie Wondergem
Research Interest: synthesis of pharmaceutically active natural products.

From the beginning to the end of your college journey, we have specialized advisors to provide support every step of the way. After you declare your major, you will be assigned academic and career advisors who specialize in your program. You can connect with them via Navigate.
Academic Advisor
Your academic advisor helps you with selecting your courses, planning your degree and staying on course academically. To find your current advisor, log into SIS.

Career Advisor
Your career advisor provides support through developing professional skills, applying for jobs, internships or other career opportunities and building your network.