William Kuepper
Kuepper's Legacy

William G. Kuepper
July - October 2001, January 1994
Served as interim chancellor from July 1 through Oct. 30, 2001. He had retired from UW-Green Bay in summer 1995 after a 30-year career with the University. He was vice chancellor for 13 of those years. Kuepper was named provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs emeritus at the time of his retirement.
At UW-Green Bay:
Kuepper named an ombudsperson and created a chancellor’s advisory council on equality for women as part of implementing a 2001 “Report on Equality for Women” compiled by a campus task force. He began the process of seeking a new athletic director, following a resignation in that position. During his tenure, the Board of Regents approved the design for remodeling the University’s Laboratory Sciences Building, and the construction of three new student housing units on campus. He presided over the dedication of Mary Ann Cofrin Hall, the University’s newest academic building, and participated in accepting the gift of the former Fort Howard Corp. archives to the University’s special collections.
After serving as interim chancellor, Kuepper returned to Colorado where he continued serving as a senior policy adviser to the Colorado Commission on Higher Education, and represents Colorado on the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education.
Three degrees in geography–bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D.–all from UW-Madison.
Prior to joining UW-Green Bay:
Kuepper began teaching at the two-year UW Center in Green Bay in 1965, and was serving as its interim dean during the time of transition to the new four-year UW-Green Bay that began in 1968. In addition to teaching and research at the new University, he was active in service to the institution and in professional organizations. He won the Founder’s Association award for excellence in institutional development in 1978. Kuepper was first named vice chancellor in July 1979. In 1985 he took a leave to join the Universities of Wisconsin administration, first as interim vice president for academic affairs and then as a senior academic planner. He returned to UW-Green Bay in 1988, and again assumed the vice chancellor’s position. He previously had served as interim chancellor in Jan. 1994, between the departure of David Outcalt as chancellor in early January, and the arrival of Mark Perkins on Feb. 1. Kuepper moved to Colorado in 1996.