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Chancellor's Cabinet

It takes a Flock

Our structure is a scaffold to support innovation.

Though their mission is anything but trivial, the word “cabinet” derives from “cabinetto”, an Italian word meaning small private room. Their goal is not secrecy, but to provide a forum to discuss the important business of running a university. UW-Green Bay’s cabinet works closely with the chancellor, staff, faculty and more to provide advice, implement initiatives and oversee the operation of the University.

Organizational Chart

First year student tradition of painting the Phoenix

Cabinet Roster

The Chancellor's Cabinet is an advisory committee that meets regularly to discuss strategic and critical issues facing the University.

Kathleen Burns

Kathleen Burns

Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
CL 835F
Dawn B. Crim

Dawn B. Crim

Vice Chancellor for Advancement, Community Engagement & Inclusivity
CL 805H
Melissa Nash

Melissa Nash

Assistant Chancellor for Talent & Technology
CL 710C
Christopher Paquet

Christopher Paquet

Assistant Chancellor for Compliance, Facilities & Safety; Title IX Coordinator
CL 830 B
Gail Sims-Aubert

Gail Sims-Aubert

Assistant Chancellor for Student Affairs
Kent Bond

Kent Bond

Assistant Chancellor for Finance/CFO
CL 830
Janet Bonkowski

Janet Bonkowski

Executive Director, Marketing & University Communication; Special Assistant to the Chancellor
CL 820
Josh Moon

Josh Moon

Director of Athletics
Kress Events Center
Kelli Strickland

Kelli Strickland

Executive & Artistic Director, The Weidner
WC 133F
Susan Grant Robinson

Susan Grant Robinson

Chief of Staff