Michael Alexander
UW-Green Bay's 7th Chancellor

Michael Alexander
May 1, 2020 - Present
Since being named the seventh chancellor of UW-Green Bay in May of 2020, Michael Alexander has overseen enrollment growth of 25% at the institution. He initiated six strategic priorities to support the future of the University, which have led to advancements in support of UW-Green Bay’s access mission. UW-Green Bay overhauled its advising and career services to support student success and was the first university in Wisconsin to establish a direct admission program. The University has also dramatically grown its Division of Continuing Education to the 2nd largest in Wisconsin and increased certificate and non-credit offerings to provide more options for learning beyond traditional degree programs.
To provide access and support for all who desire to learn, UW-Green Bay has been a leader in dual enrollment by starting the Rising Phoenix program to support rural students in high school in finding pathways into higher education while also increasing the number of traditionally underrepresented students at UW-Green Bay. The University has embraced digital transformation by modernizing its business practices, creating positive changes in using technology to enhance student learning and broadening our connections with students. Finally, during his tenure, UW-Green Bay has enhanced its connection with our region, enhanced the growth of its research profile, renewed and strengthened its commitment to sustainable practices and environmental stewardship and created a sustainable path forward for Green Bay Athletics and the Weidner Center.
Michael Alexander came to UW-Green Bay in 2019 as Provost having previously served as director of the School of Music at the University of Northern Colorado since 2015. He was also Director of Orchestras and interim director of the School of Music at Kennesaw State University, and conductor of the Georgia Symphony Orchestra from 2004-2015. During his time with the Georgia Symphony, he began the Georgia Youth Symphony Orchestra program, which engaged more than 400 students from the region each year in music education. Michael Alexander has degrees from the University of Georgia, UW-Milwaukee and UW-Madison.