Find A Job
Make A
WisCaregiver Connections can help you find a job that's a perfect fit.
We help caregivers, newly certified direct care professionals and employers connect in our one-stop career resource. We also support eligible providers and agencies in recruiting qualified candidates.

One-Stop Career Resource
Learn how to search WisCaregiver Connections.
WisCaregiver Connections, powered by Handshake, will make it possible for caregivers and direct care professionals to search for jobs with eligible employers and agencies. Job candidates can upload their resumes and other documents, search for various positions and find career-related events and job fairs — all from a single software application.
Direct Care Professionals
Direct care professionals that have completed our program will have accounts created for them in WisCaregiver Connections, powered by Handshake. To access your account, see:
- Student Handshake Profile Creation (pdf)
- Creación de perfil de estudiante (pdf)
- Kev Tsim Tus Nqi Profile Hauv Handshake Rau Cov Tub Ntxhais Kawm Ntawv (pdf)
Learn how to search for a CDCP participating employer using:
Eligible employers can use WisCaregiver Connections powered by Handshake to list jobs directly to caregivers and direct care professionals, and search for candidates via the resume database. To find CDCPs in your area, follow the Employer Setup Instructions (pdf).
Helpful Instructional Videos
IRIS Participants
IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct) Participants can use WisCaregiver Connections powered by Handshake to list jobs directly to caregivers and direct care professionals, and search for candidates via the resume database. To create an account, see IRIS Participants Setup Instructions (pdf).
In order to find CDCPs in your area, follow the Search for CDCPs Employer Instructions (pdf).
CLTS Participants
CLTS (Children’s Long Term Support) Participants can use WisCaregiver Connections powered by Handshake to list jobs directly to caregivers and direct care professionals, and search for candidates via the resume database. To create an account, see CLTS Participants Setup Instructions (pdf).
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Si necesita compartir esta información en español u otro idioma, utilice Google Translate.
If you need to share this information in Spanish or another language, please use Google Translate.
Find Resources
Checkout the helpful resources we have put together in our commitment to all employees, partners and collaborators of the CDCP Program.
Handshake Help Center
If you get lost, try searching for your issue in the Handshake Help Center. Below are common topics. Direct care professionals should follow the instructions for "students."
Consent & Release Information
You submit a lot of information about yourself when you set up an account in WisCaregiver Connections, powered Handshake. When you choose to use the resource, you're also agreeing to its terms of use. Read over the terms of service and privacy policy for using WisCaregiver Connections, powered by Handshake.

Have Questions?
You may have questions after watching one of these workshop recordings. Don't hesitate to ask us. We're here for you.