Universities of Wisconsin Events & Programs
Connect with peers from UW-Green Bay And beyond
The Office of Professional and Instructional Development (OPID) sponsors three signature programs for UW educators: the Wisconsin Teaching Fellows & Scholars program, the OPID Spring Conference on Teaching and Learning, and Faculty College. Participating in these system-level programs is the perfect way to invest in your development as an educator, exchange ideas and strategies for teaching, and network with fellow UW instructors!
CATL shares the call for each of these programs in our e-newsletter, Teach Tuesday, and on the CATL blog, The Cowbell.

Wisconsin Teaching Fellows & Scholars
Participate in a year-long community of practice as you develop a scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) project.
Spring Conference on Teaching & Learning
Attend or present at OPID's spring conference on teaching and learning, hosted annually in Madison.
Faculty College
Apply to be one of UW-Green Bay's instructor representatives at this late-May institute and retreat.
Wisconsin Teaching Fellow & Scholars (WTFS)
"The Wisconsin Teaching Fellows & Scholars (WTFS) program offers UW faculty and teaching academic staff a unique opportunity to collaborate with other exceptional teachers from across the UW System and from various disciplines. Many participants have found that the experience re-energized their work and even transformed their approach to teaching and learning. Collaboration with colleagues from diverse perspectives lies at the heart of the program. In addition to discussing illuminating works from pedagogical literature, Fellows and Scholars are guided through the process of completing a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) project with input from fellow participants and the program co-directors." - OPID Program Description
Participation Requirements
WTFS is a provost-funded program for both "fellows" (early-career instructors) and "scholars" (seasoned educators). Full-time faculty and instructional academic staff of all experience levels and disciplines are welcome to apply. Participants must be willing to travel to select OPID-sponsored meetings and events throughout the year. Additionally, each WTFS participant engages in ongoing consultation about and documentation of their SoTL project’s progress throughout the year. At the program's conclusion, each participant submits a final abstract of their project to UW System.
Application Process
Applications for the program open each fall for participation the following summer and academic year (typically starting with Faculty College in late May). Prospective attendees submit their application materials directly to CATL.
UW-Green Bay 2024-25 WTFS Program Participants

Taskia Ahammad Khan

Heather Kaminski
Past WTFS Participants
- 2024-24: Kimberley Reilly
- 2022-23: Clifton Ganyard & Michelle McQuade Dewhirst
- 2020-22*: Jessica Van Slooten & Dinesh Yadav
- 2019-20: Joan Groessl & Rebecca Nesvet
- 2018-19: Bryan Carr & Sawa Senzaki
- 2017-18: Jon Shelton & Heidi Sherman
- 2016-17: Christin DePouw & Gail Trimberger
- 2015-16: Kate C. Burns & Elizabeth Wheat
- 2014-15: Adolfo Garcia & Alison Staudinger
- 2013-14: Gaurav Bansal & Caroline Boswell
*2020 WTFS Community of Practice & 2021-22 Fellows and Scholars
Spring Conference on Teaching & Learning
OPID invites all UW educators to submit proposals about their teaching and learning experiences, ideas, insights, questions, challenges, and accomplishments! The OPID spring conference is a peer-reviewed opportunity to present teaching and learning work and see the work of colleagues from across the Universities of Wisconsin. The conference also serves as the culminating event for the WTFS program in which participants present their SoTL projects from the past year.
The OPID spring conference is held annually and dates, theme, and plenary speakers vary each year. Unlike WTFS and Faculty College, funding to attend or present at the OPID spring conference is not guaranteed and may come from a variety of sources including department S&E and teaching enhancement grants.
Faculty College
Each year, teaching professionals from across the Universities of Wisconsin gather for Faculty College, an institute and retreat led by OPID. Each UW institution is invited to bring a team of instructors, led by their center for teaching and learning, to attend. Over the course of the event (three to four days), each university's team engages in a series of structured workshops, activities, and social events.
Participation Requirements
Faculty College is an OPID-funded program. Currently each university gets to nominate up to 10 team members, which includes two OPID Advisory Council members, two WTFS participants for the upcoming academic year, and six additional faculty, instructors, or lecturers. Repeat participants are welcome to apply, but preference will be given to applicants who have never attended before. Participants must be willing to travel and commit to attending for the duration of the retreat.
Application Process
The call for Faculty College applications typically goes out in late fall or early winter and prospective attendees submit their application materials directly to CATL.

In addition to the three signature events above, OPID occasionally sponsors or promotes other professional development opportunities for UW instructors. Visit the OPID website to view all upcoming events!

Connect WITH US
Let us know how CATL can help you! Schedule a consultation, reach us by phone or email, or drop by anytime our office is open.
Office Location: Cofrin Library 405
Open: M – F, 7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Phone: (920) 465-2541
Email: catl@uwgb.edu
College Drop-in Hours: Schedule varies weekly