CATL Badges
CATL uses a digital badging system for some of the programming the Center organizes and offers. Like a physical badge for a scouts program, a digital badge is awarded to an individual to recognize their proficiency or achievement in a certain area. A digital badge also includes a description of the achievement or proficiency and the criteria one needs to meet to earn the badge.
Rather than being attached to a sash, jacket, or vest, digital badges are displayed in a digital collection or "backpack" that can be shared via URL on platforms like LinkedIn. Individual badges can also be embedded in email signatures or other digital documents.
The Center awards badges through a platform called Canvas Credentials. These badges are considered “open,” in that they can be displayed on any platform that supports Open Badges and be added to collections with Open Badges from other issuers to showcase new skills to audiences like department chairs, supervisors, and accreditors.
CATL's badging system has five badge categories in order to accommodate the different degrees to which faculty and staff are able to engage with CATL events and programs. These categories range from low-stakes participation badges which require minimal time commitment, to mentorship and scholarship badges which require much more work toward a final deliverable.
Participation Badges
Participation badges ask earners to attend or engage with a training, programming, or other development opportunity which may be introductory or informative. An example of a participation badge is the Instructional Development Institute Participant badge issued for attending CATL’s January teaching and learning conference.

Knowledge Badges
Knowledge badges ask earners to engage with a training, programming, or development opportunity which may be introductory or informative, and produce a deliverable that meets outcomes associated with the event or program. The programming opportunity, including the completion of the deliverable, may take approximately 5–10 hours to complete. An example of a knowledge badge is the LITE 101 badge which is issued for completing CATL’s "Learning and Integrating Technology for Education" 101 training course.

Practice Badges
Practice badges ask earners to engage with sustained programming and submit evidence which demonstrates that they have met outcomes or goals associated with the program, series, or course. The programming opportunity, including the completion of the deliverable, may take approximately 10–15 hours to complete. An example of a practice badge is the LITE 201 badge, which requires earners to apply the knowledge gained in CATL’s LITE 201: Course Design training to design an introductory module and a content-based module in Canvas using evidence-based best practices.

Scholarship & Mentorship Badges
Scholarship and mentorship badges ask earners to provide evidence of engaging in or conducting sustained professional development opportunities around teaching and learning that also foster the development of their colleagues, like mentoring, fellowships, and communities of practice. The project or program, including the completion of the deliverable, may take 20 hours or more to complete. An example of a scholarship badge is the badge for the Teaching with Technology certificate, which culminates in a semester-long community of practice in which participants explore scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) literature and engage in reflective teaching practices.