Make an impression
Job fairs give you an opportunity to meet employers face-to-face.
The Job, Internship, and Opportunities Fair gives you an opportunity to meet with employers who are seeking candidates for full-time professional positions and career-related internship opportunities. In Handshake, you can view the participating employers, learn more about each organization and their positions, and plan your fair visit accordingly.
Our Spring 2025 Job Fairs
The Job, Internship, and Opportunities Fair will have three separate times to focus on employment opportunities in different occupational areas:
- Business & Industry (Employer Listing)
- Monday, February 10th, 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (Employer Listing)
- Monday, February 24th, 9:30 am - Noon
- Health, Human Services, and Non-profit (Employer Listing)
- Tuesday, February 25th, 9:30 am - Noon

Job Fair Preparation Tips
- Update Your Resume: Whether you need it to register for a fair, or to provide to recruiters during an in-person event or virtual chat, have your resume prepared in advance and saved as a PDF to avoid formatting issues. Upload and have it available so you can quickly access it if needed.
- Research: Review the list of employers and learn about what they do and their opportunities. This will help you select who you'd like to visit, as well as allow you to prepare appropriate questions for your conversation or to express interest in a specific role.
- Prepare Your Introduction: Although this isn't an interview, you might be asked "Tell us about yourself." Prepare a brief overview of your education, skills/experiences and career-related goals. View the LinkedIn Learning and CareerSpots videos below for ideas.
- Attire: Regardless of fair format, it is still important to make a great first-impression. View tips on our Professional Attire page. And if you don't have appropriate attire, visit the Career Closet!
- Communication: Regardless of the fair format, communicate professionally, address individuals with courtesy, take notes and be sure to follow up after the event - whether it is to complete an application or to thank the representatives for their time.
Shortcut to a Great First Impression
Create a Powerful Elevator Pitch
Delivering Your Pitch in a Virtual Setting
UW-Green Bay Co-Hosted or Supported Job Fairs
- Wisconsin Educational Recruitment Fair (WERF): Held each spring, WERF provides an opportunity for candidates who are interested in working in the K-12 school setting to engage with school districts from Wisconsin to learn more about their positions and what they are seeking in candidates for their district. See events in Handshake for specific details.
- Internship Draft Day: Held in November, this event is sponsored by the NEWERA Higher Education Alliance and the NEW Manufacturing Alliance. Students can register to interview with companies based upon their interests.