Let's Connect
Take the opportunity to connect with the UW-Green Bay community.
In the few hours of a job and internship fair, you can meet with prospective candidates, increase brand awareness, and network with our faculty and staff as well as other organizations. Our job and internship fairs have fees for participating organizations to cover the cost of facilities and all related event advertising.

Recruiting Events
Career Planning & Professional Connections at UW-Green Bay sponsors several recruiting events throughout the year. These programs allow you as an employer to connect directly with students to share information about your organization and the types of positions you recruit for, as well as identify potential candidates.
Job & Internship Fairs
The Job, Internship, and Opportunities Fair is an opportunity for employers to meet with students and alumni for the purpose of promoting professional full-time jobs and career-related internships with their organizations. Two events are held each year—one in Fall (late September/early October) and one in Spring (late February/early March). The fair is open and publicized to all students at the University on all four campuses—whether they are seeking full-time or internship opportunities, or wanting to obtain information about employers or the types of positions available at various organizations.
Our Next Event: Spring 2025
The Job, Internship, and Opportunities Fair will have three separate times to focus on employment opportunities in different occupational areas:
- Business & Industry: Monday, February 10, 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
- Science, Technology, Engineering, Math: Monday, February 24, 9:30 am - Noon
- Health, Human Services, and Non-profit: Tuesday, February 25, 9:30 am - Noon
Fees for 2024-2025: $250 ($150 for Non-Profit & Government Agencies)
Fair Employer Participation Policies
To participate in the job and internship fair, an organization must be seeking candidates for full-time professional positions (which require a Bachelor's degree) and/or career-related internships. If you have questions about these criteria, please contact Career Planning & Professional Connections at 920-465-2163 or
Recruiting Policies & Guidelines
All participants agree to adhere to our recruiting policies.
Professional Ethics Principles
Participants must adhere to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles for Ethical Professional Practice.
Participation May Be Limited
Career Planning & Professional Connections reserves the right to limit the number of organizations and industries attending the fair based upon the majors and career interests of our students.
Booth Registration Fee
The registration fee covers the cost of a display area (including a table and 2 chairs) for two representatives and all related event advertising. Due to space limitations, we are not able to offer registration to employers who are seeking part-time/seasonal employees or entrepreneurial (home-based business) opportunities.
Seasonal or Part-time Employers
Are you specifically seeking part-time or seasonal candidates? You are encouraged to enter your opportunity directly into Handshake. Contact Career Planning & Professional Connections at 920-465-2163 or if you have additional questions.
Fair Tips For Employers
Your time is valuable, and we want to help you make the most of your job and internship fair experience. Below is a compiled list of tips and suggestions:
Prior to the Job & Internship Fair
- Plan what you will need for the event. Are your handouts current? Do you have all of the needed pieces for your display? Is everything in working order? Do you have extension cords for your electrical needs? Does your display fit in the space restrictions? (Displays must not exceed a width of 6' or be higher than 6' in height.)
- Have you looked up directions to campus or to the parking areas? Make certain you have the correct time(s) and location(s) as these can change from year-to-year.
- Plan time for unload, transport and setup. With limited parking near the event site, plan ahead so you have enough time to unload and transport your materials, park your vehicle in the appropriate lot(s), and set up your display/materials prior to the beginning of the event. You don’t want to miss visiting with students who are first to arrive at the fair!
- Consider having an intern or a newly hired alumnus attend the event with you. A familiar face might help attract students to your booth.
- Have you listed your job or internship opportunities in Handshake? This is one of the best ways to get the word out about what you offer have to students and recent alumni.
During the Job & Internship Fair
- Keep space limitations in mind. Don’t allow your display to infringe on your booth neighbors. Observe limits on the number of representatives. Booth spaces are within an approximate 7-8 foot space; if you have more than 2 representatives it will not only “crowd” your space, but could also intimidate students who might visit your booth.
- Alternate breaks with another representative so that you do not leave your booth unattended. You might miss connecting with a great candidate. Leaving your booth unattended for an extended period of time may also unintentionally reflect poorly upon your organization.
- Stay the entire time of the event. Leaving early can also leave a poor impression of your organization.
- Be aware that the types of students attending the fair will range from first-year students through seniors and alumni. Some individuals might be exploring career options, while others are networking to learn more about your internships and full-time job opportunities. Students who are in “exploration” mode today, might be key candidates for one of your positions in the future!
- Does your booth and body language convey a welcoming and open conversational space? Sitting behind your table or working on your laptop can deter students from visiting with you.
- Did any students in particular catch your attention at the fair? If so, follow-up with them to maintain a line of communication. Not only are students competing for job opportunities, but you may be competing for quality candidates!
Need to Ship Fair Materials?
To ensure that your materials arrive well in advance of the specific on-campus recruiting event, please view these shipping recommendations.
Get Help
The staff in Career Planning & Professional Connections hope that you find these tips helpful as you connect with the students and alumni of UW-Green Bay. Not sure where to start? Get in touch and we will figure it out together.