Choose a Major
Your Choice of
It's your first major decision.
Your choice of major is a very individual decision. You will learn the material, write the papers, conduct the research and take the exams. You—and you alone—should decide what you will major in. Choosing a major and career path are two separate, but related, choices. It is important for you to understand how they are related, and we're here to help.

Major Guide
What's most important to consider when choosing a major? This guide will help point you in the right direction.
Research Majors
Research majors to find the program that best fits your interests and skills and helps you prepare for your career.
Career Assessment
Understand how your interests and values map to career paths and majors with Focus 2 and other assessments.
Need Help?
Trying to choose a major can be tough. No doubt you have questions about what all this means to you. If your major exploration has taken you to a point that you're ready to talk to a career advisor, just call our office or schedule an appointment through Navigate.