Career Assessment
Find a Career
That Fits
Assess your values, interests and skills.
Career exploration is a lifelong journey and with so many possibilities, it can be overwhelming. To help you get started, we have an interactive tool to help you learn more about yourself and your career options. Focus 2 Career will guide you through the process of understanding your interests, skills, personality, and values and lead you to a more personalized exploration of majors and careers. Be sure to meet with a career advisor to help you interpret your results.

Self-Guided Career Exploration
Focus 2 Career is an interactive self-assessment and career exploration tool that will help you learn more about yourself and your career options. It will help you identify occupations that are likely to be a good fit for your interests, values, personality and skills.
There is no time limit for using Focus 2 Career, but plan to spend about 30-60 minutes completing the self-assessment tools. You can use the site as many times as you wish, and in any order. Your results will be saved in your Focus 2 Career account, and you can repeat any sections previously completed.
2. Career Planning Foundations
These two activities offer insight about your state of preparation and readiness for the career planning process.
My Career Planning Involvement
Use My Career Planning Involvement to evaluate your approach to career exploration and decision-making, and to identify potential challenges or obstacles
Am I Career Ready?
The Am I Career Ready? module helps you assess your development of the 8 essential workplace competencies identified by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
3. Self Assessment
The assessment tools in Focus 2 Career have been developed to identify occupations and majors that match your personal attributes. Each one will ask you to rate or prioritize your preferences for Work Interests, Values, Personality, or Skills. Complete all four of the assessments, or the specific ones indicated by your career advisor.
- Click "START" to enter any assessment module.
- Click on the home icon to return to the main page when you are finished with each module.
- After completing 2 or more of the assessments, you can use the Combine Assessments function to see which occupations and majors match more than 1 of your assessments.
4. Explore the Possibilities
For additional exploration, Focus 2 Career offers several other tools for learning more about occupations and majors, including the specific academic programs available at UW-Green Bay.
5. Make an Appointment
After completing the assessments and exploring the related careers and majors, you should make an appointment with a career advisor at UW-Green Bay, who can help you make sense of your results, explain what the assessments mean, and provide you with additional resources.
Other Options for Career Exploration
In addition to Focus 2 Career, we have tools such as the Strong Interest Inventory or the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) which might assist you in determining potential career fields or majors. These assessments use information that you provide about your interests and preferences to identify occupations that are likely to be a good fit for you. A career advisor will meet with you to determine whether an assessment tool could help you with your career or major decision-making, and help you interpret your results.
Need Help?
Self-assessments help you clarify your interests, skills and values so you can find majors and careers best suited for you. But there's no one-size-fits-all solution to planning your future. If you're still feeling lost, just contact us for an individual appointment.