Cast a Wider Net
Find the next match for your organization by using Handshake.
Posting on Handshake is easy, online and free. Posting internships and full-time jobs with UW-Green Bay is a great way to get your position in front of current students, recent graduates and alumni.

About Handshake
Handshake is a comprehensive system that allows students and employers to interact on-line for employment connections. Employers can reach candidates directly by posting internship and full-time positions. Candidates can effectively find positions and apply directly on-line by submitting documents and applications electronically. Additionally, employers with access can view and register for career events, such as the Job & Internship Fairs.
Handshake is a national platform that allows employers to create one user account to access multiple schools . All 13 Universities of Wisconsin schools utilize Handshake.
General Handshake Access
If you are interested in managing your organization's position listings, identifying candidates for employment and internships, or registering online for job & internship fairs, you may request general access to Handshake. Once you have a user account you will either join an existing organization profile or create a new one.
Free Job Posting
Access to Handshake is free to employers, subject to review and approval.
Information Needed to List a Position
The following information will help you to post a complete position listing and attract appropriate candidates for your position(s):
- Job Title
- Company/Organization Name
- Location: Street Address, City, State, Zip Code
- Salary (optional)
- Classification: full-time, part-time, internship
- Required Student Status (ex: Junior, Senior, Alumnus?)
- Job Description: What are some of the basic duties of the position?
- Desired Skills or Qualifications
- Application Start and End Dates
- How to Apply Instructions
Policy Regarding Posters/Flyers
UW-Green Bay does not allow outside organizations or job agencies to post flyers around campus. Public Safety will remove any unauthorized flyers. If you have a poster/flyer that you would like us to post in Career Planning, you may forward one to our attention. Questions? Please contact our office at (920) 465-2163.
Want to know More?
If you have questions about how to post on Handshake, want to know more about the benefits of the online platform or have questions about recruiting students and graduates, get in touch with us here at Career Planning.