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Good CAHSS Productions

Voices in Action

Stories that inspire and connect.

Good CAHSS Productions is the storytelling outlet for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS) at the UW-Green Bay. Through podcasts, web series, blogs and social media, we share work that educates, entertains and inspires.

A student-made video game being displayed in front of a group.

Watch & Listen

Stay tuned as we build out our studio space in TH 335. It will serve as the heart of our media production, featuring a dynamic, customizable set for top-quality shows.

Psychology & Stuff

Host: Alison Jane Martingano, Ph.D.
Delve into the world of psychology with a fun twist—soon to include a new video series on YouTube!

Psychology & Stuff Podcast

Serious Fun

Host: Bryan Carr, Ph.D.
Take a deep dive into pop culture with Serious Fun. This podcast invites academics, industry pros and fans to unpack the meaning and impact of everything from comic books and video games to reality TV and sports.

Serious Fun Podcast

Good Game Green Bay

Join the Center for Games and Interactive Media on Twitch as they explore video games with an academic lens, covering the latest trends and discussing the cultural impact of gaming.

ggGreenBay Twitch

Good CAHSS Blog

The Good CAHSS Productions blog will be your go-to spot for all things CAHSS—new show episodes, interviews, featured student projects and alumni stories. Stay tuned for updates!

Upcoming Events


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and YouTube for bite-sized stories, how-tos, student spotlights and performances. Our posts are designed to inspire, entertain and showcase the creativity of our faculty and students.

Email Signup

Partner with Us

We’re dedicated to forging connections, whether within our UW-Green Bay family or with the broader Northeastern Wisconsin community. From professional guests on our shows to collaborative social media initiatives, we welcome partnerships that bring value and fresh perspectives.

Have Questions?

If you you have questions or ideas about Good CAHSS programing or want to get involved, get in touch!

Contact Us