Get your refund
Any excess funds are available to you.
You might have a refund coming to you if you have an excess in financial aid after it has been applied to your fees. This is common if you live off campus and still need to cover other college costs like rent, food, or books. Or maybe you already paid tuition and you had to withdraw or drop a class and it happened early enough that you get some tuition money back. The fastest way to get your refund is to sign up for electronic refunds.

Drop, Withdraw, Non-attendance
Once registered, an obligation to pay fees is in effect. Your obligation may be reduced by an official withdrawal filed with the Registrar's Office or reduction of the credit load. If you withdraw for nonpayment of fees and tuition, or withdraw voluntarily with unpaid fees, the obligation to pay fees remains in effect. As a heads up, non-attendance of classes does not constitute an official withdrawal. Failure to submit a withdrawal request with the Registrar Office for complete withdrawal from all classes may result in fees being assessed.
- To DROP one or more classes, but remain enrolled in other classes for a semester; refer to the Tuition & Fee Refund percentage above.
- To WITHDRAW you are dropping all classes in a semester. For example; taking 12+ week courses and withdrawing in week 1, you will have a 100% tuition refund and a $50 withdrawal penalty. In week 2, again 100% of tuition is refunded, with a $100 withdrawal penalty. In week 3 & 4, you will receive a refund of 50% (owing 50%) with no withdrawal penalty. By week 5 there is no refund, all tuition and fees are due. Withdraw for summer, would mean dropping all classes in all sessions.
- Non-attendance of class or classes does not have any effect upon fee obligations! An official drop or withdrawal is the only way to alter fee obligations. Contact the Registrar Office.
Due Dates
Tuition and fees must be paid in full on or before 4:30 pm CST on the specified due date to avoid mandatory late payment assessments. A Payment Plan is available. See the Due Date Calendar for specific term due dates.
(Reminder: Cashier window hours are 7:45 am to 4:15 pm CST)
Refund Details
- Paper refund checks will be mailed on the Monday following the date the refund processed on your SIS account. Checks will be mailed to the address listed on your SIS account.
- If you are signed up for Electronic Refunding, the refund money should be in your bank account 3-5 business days after you see it posted to your SIS account.
- Refunds resulting from personal check payments will be held for 14 business days from the date of the payment. A ten (10) day hold, from the date of the payment, will be put on any refund from e-check payments.
- If your credit load is below or over the full-time plateau (12-18 credits) and you are on the waitlist for any class(s), your refund check will not be available until after the add/drop period.
Refunds on Credit / Debit Card Payment
Active Students Only
If a refund generates from an electronic (online) credit / debit card payment made on an Active Student's UW Green Bay Student SIS account it will be refunded directly back to the credit / debit card used on the payment.
Refunds on e-Check Payment
Active Students Only
If a refund generates from an electronic (online) e-check payment made on an Active Student's SIS account it will be refunded to the Student through their UW Green Bay Student Account on SIS
Contact Student Billing Resources
Contact Us
Office: SS 1300
Phone: (920) 465-2224
Send a Letter
Student Billing Resources
SS 1300
Univ of Wisconsin-Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311-7001
We're Open!
Cashiering Window
7:45 am - 4:15 pm
Office Hours
7:45 am - 4:30 pm