Nicolet National Forest Bird Survey
Survey Site 505
Listen to audio clip recorded at this site.
Species List
Species | Name | No. of Years |
SOSP | Song Sparrow | 10 |
TRES | Tree Swallow | 9 |
BHCO | Brown-headed Cowbird | 8 |
CSWA | Chestnut-sided Warbler | 8 |
LEFL | Least Flycatcher | 8 |
RBGR | Rose-breasted Grosbeak | 8 |
REVI | Red-eyed Vireo | 8 |
AMRO | American Robin | 6 |
CHSP | Chipping Sparrow | 6 |
AMGO | American Goldfinch | 5 |
BLJA | Blue Jay | 5 |
EABL | Eastern Bluebird | 5 |
EAKI | Eastern Kingbird | 5 |
EAWP | Eastern Wood Pewee | 5 |
EUST | European Starling | 5 |
HOWR | House Wren | 5 |
MOWA | Mourning Warbler | 5 |
YBSA | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | 5 |
AMCR | American Crow | 4 |
BAOR | Baltimore Oriole | 4 |
CCSP | Clay-colored Sparrow | 4 |
GCFL | Great Crested Flycatcher | 4 |
INBU | Indigo Bunting | 4 |
MODO | Mourning Dove | 4 |
NOFL | Northern Flicker | 4 |
OVEN | Ovenbird | 4 |
YTVI | Yellow-throated Vireo | 4 |
CEDW | Cedar Waxwing | 3 |
GRCA | Gray Catbird | 3 |
UNWO | Unidentified Woodpecker | 3 |
AMKE | American Kestrel | 2 |
CORA | Common Raven | 2 |
EAPH | Eastern Phoebe | 2 |
GWWA | Golden-winged Warbler | 2 |
SCTA | Scarlet Tanager | 2 |
UPSA | Upland Sandpiper | 2 |
BCCH | Black-capped Chickadee | 1 |
BRBL | Brewer's Blackbird | 1 |
BRTH | Brown Thrasher | 1 |
BTNW | Black-throated Green Warbler | 1 |
COGR | Common Grackle | 1 |
COLO | Common Loon | 1 |
COME | Common Merganser | 1 |
DOWO | Downy Woodpecker | 1 |
GRSP | Grasshopper Sparrow | 1 |
HAWO | Hairy Woodpecker | 1 |
HOSP | House Sparrow | 1 |
KILL | Killdeer | 1 |
NAWA | Nashville Warbler | 1 |
NOHA | Northern Harrier | 1 |
PIWA | Pine Warbler | 1 |
PIWO | Pileated Woodpecker | 1 |
RTHU | Ruby-throated Hummingbird | 1 |
RWBL | Red-winged Blackbird | 1 |
WTSP | White-throated Sparrow | 1 |