UW-Green Bay offers a number of courses that give students real-world experiences to gain the skills that will need to be competitive in today’s market. A career in biodiversity or ecosystem studies is dependent on understanding the basic concepts of ecology. UW Green Bay offers several core courses in environmental science and biology that are focused on a solid foundation based on ecological concepts.

Foundational Courses
UW-Green Bay offers a variety of majors related to ecology, biodiversity, and environmental science. Undergraduates should speak to faculty and advisors in their areas of interest and consult the catalogue for detailed information on requirements.
Students in the biology and environmental science and environmental policy majors receive a solid foundation in their chosen emphasis including courses in biology, chemistry, physics, geography, policy, and mathematics. These basic courses allow students to further develop their skills with more advanced courses that include field and laboratory research experiences, data analysis, GIS, taxonomy. Small class sizes where faculty members work individually with students and courses that focus on learning ecological and technical field skills are part of our student’s success. See the course catalogs for Natural and Applied Sciences and Human Biology for more information.
Advanced Courses
Understanding biodiversity and effectively managing our natural ecosystems requires a good grasp of biota. Unfortunately, around the world, science is facing a tremendous loss of taxonomic expertise. UW-Green Bay offers a variety of courses that provide in depth taxonomic training on a variety of groups. Students can extend their knowledge through independent study and research opportunities with faculty in Natural and Applied Sciences and Human Biology. Currently, we have faculty working on amphibians, arachnids, bees, birds, fish, fungi, and plants.
Environmental Science and Policy Masters Degree Program
The core of UW-Green Bay's Environmental Science & Policy graduate program focuses on the identification and analysis of environmental issues, and on developing innovative, interdisciplinary approaches and solutions to problems. Our faculty firmly believe that environmental policy must be based on good science, but also that environmental science is ineffective unless it can be translated into sound policy decisions.