Advisors & Affiliates

Faculty-Staff Advisory Committee
A Faculty-Staff Advisory Committee appointed by the Dean of the College of Science, Engineering, and Technology provides ongoing recommendations regarding the Cofrin Center for Biodiveristy (CCB) policies and activities and helps guide land management decisions and other important operational decisions. This committee meets multiple times a semester with the Center's Director. Below is a list of current committee members for the 2021-2022 academic year, which are ordered alphabetically below by last name (starting with the committee chair). All members are located on the Green Bay campus, except Dr. Abler and Dr. Hein who are located on the UW-Green Bay Manitowoc campus.
- Rebecca Abler, Professor, Natural & Applied Sciences, Water Science, Advisory Committee Chair
- Daniela Beall, Sustainability Coordinator, Chancellor's Office
- Jeffrey Benzow, Associate Professor, Art & Design
- Mike Draney, Professor, Natural & Applied Sciences (dept. chair), Biology (ex officio)
- Richard Hein, Professor, Natural & Applied Sciences, Water Science
- David Helpap, Associate Professor, Public and Environmental Affairs, Political Science
- Shawn Malone, Assistant Professor, Natural & Applied Sciences, Geoscience
- Jeff Jacobs, Director of Facilities Planning and Management (ex officio)
- Karen Stahlheber, Associate Professor, Natural & Applied Sciences, Biology
- Amy Wolf, Professor, Natural & Applied Sciences, Ecology
Several faculty members, especially in the Department of Natural and Applied Sciences, collaborate directly in Cofrin Center for Biodiversity external grants and research projects. Examples of these collaborations and the faculty involved are provided in the Biodiversity Research pages (e.g., Wabikon Forest Dynamics Plot). Other faculty and staff members participate in CCB by mentoring students who receive Cofrin Student Research Awards, summer internships, or independent study projects. Below is a list of our faculty affiliates:
- Iftekhar Anam (Assistant Professor of Engineering, Natural & Applied Science)
- Matt Dornbush (Professor of Biology, Natural & Applied Science)
- Mike Draney (Professor of Biology, Natural & Applied Science)
- Kevin Fermanich (Professor of Geosciences, Natural & Applied Science)
- Patrick Forsythe (Assistant Professor of Biology, Natural & Applied Science)
- Lisa Grubisha (Associate Professor of Applied Biotechnology, Natural & Applied Science)
- John Luczaj (Professor of Geosciences, Natural & Applied Science)
- Vicki Medland (Instructor, Natural & Applied Science)
- William Niedzwiedz (Emeritus Professor, Public & Environmental Affairs)
- Karen Stahlheber (Associate Professor, Natural & Applied Sciences)
- John Stoll (Professor, Public & Environmental Affairs)
- Lora Warner (Associate Professor, Director of the Center for Public Affairs)
- Amy Wolf (Professor of Biology, Natural & Applied Science)