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Virtual Learning Expectations

BHTP offers a variety of dynamic virtual learning opportunities, which include both self-paced (asynchronous) and live (synchronous) trainings. With virtual learning comes some unique challenges for both the instructors and the participants. Understanding the expectations for virtual learning helps to address these challenges. 

Person at computer during virtual class

Live, Virtual Courses

In order to best support the learning of all of our participants, we've established some baseline expectations.  To receive credit, participants are required to be present for the entire session.  Present means:

  • Have your video on
  • Have a working microphone
  • Arrive on time
  • Miss no more than 15 minutes of content throughout the training
  • Engage in discussion via the chat feature and by unmuting and sharing

While we understand the need to provide crisis coverage, our expectation is that you are not on-call for crisis during the live, virtual session. Arrangements must be made prior to the date of the session for any accommodations for pre-existing commitments.

Person typing on laptop

Self-Paced, Online Courses

Each of our self-paced, asynchronous, online courses have a specified number of continuing education hours.  When you submit the course completion verification, you are attesting to full completion of the course. Full completion means: 

  • Watch each module in its entirety
  • Complete all in-module knowledge checks
  • Receive a score of at least 80% on each quiz
  • Submit the course completion verification
  • Complete the post-training evaluation

We will be monitoring participant access in each module, including the number of times a quiz is taken in order to receive a passing grade. Participants are not able to fast-forward the presentations.

Zoom Support

The majority of our live, virtual sessions will be conducted via Zoom. If you're unfamiliar with Zoom, we can help you.

How to Join

Find a guide for how to join Zoom meetings.

Join Zoom

Test Connections

Once you download Zoom, make sure your video and microphone are working.

Prepare for the Call

Join by Phone

If you're having internet connectivity problems or don't have working speakers or a microphone, access instructions for joining by phone. 

How to Join by Phone

Mitchel Brock

Get Support

Have questions about virtual learning? Our BHTP team members are here to help facilitate your training needs.

Contact Us