Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
Approach to Assessment, Conceptualization, and Management of Suicide Risk

Virtual via Zoom
Fee: $35
Continuing Education Hours: 6.0
Note: Interested participants must be practicing in Wisconsin
Course Description
In Wisconsin, suicide is currently the second leading cause of death amongst individuals ages 10-44. While training on identifying common risk factors for suicide is becoming more common amongst professionals without clinical training, up to half of the mental health clinicians’ tasks with treating this population of potential clients have little or no training in suicide risk assessment and management, let alone best practices in this area of care. Dialectical Behavior Therapy is an evidence-based practice originally designed to treat individuals at high risk for suicide and is currently used in a variety of clinical populations and settings and remains the gold standard treatment for borderline personality disorder. This training will provide participants with knowledge on suicide risk factors and assessment as well as managing suicide risk within the context of DBT and/or DBT-informed conceptualization and intervention. The workshop will address the importance of behavioral assessment, case formulation, understanding and utilizing behavioral principles, importance of between session contact, and team support in the process of addressing life threatening behavior.
Learning Objectives:
- Name at least 3 long term risk and protective factors for suicide
- Identify population-specific factors that elevate suicide risk
- Assess factors associated with imminent risk for suicide within hours or days
- Make informed decisions about whether a higher level of care is warranted
- Identify at least 2 structured suicide risk assessment tools
- Discuss the importance of consultation to the client strategies in crisis situations and when to move to intervening in the environment.
- Identify the role of phone coaching in both risk management and behavioral shaping.
- Discuss the importance of behavioral case formulation in clinician responses to suicide risk
- Describe the process of team support and postvention following a client death by suicide.
About the Trainer