Get Fired Up
Explore new materials and techniques, and develop your own artistic voice with clay. Your courses explore wheel-throwing, hand-building and mold-making processes; clay and glaze materials; firing processes; history and design. Coursework includes study in functional pottery, non-functional vessels and a wide range of sculptural expressions. You’ll learn command and appropriate choice of technique, ceramic technology and a general knowledge of ceramic art history.

Ceramic Materials
Cast your eyes on our tools to shape your future.
Professional materials can help breathe life into your work. Our ceramics studio includes:
- Electric & kick wheels
- Extruders
- A slab roller
- Three electric kilns
- A raku kiln
- Three gas reduction kilns
- A temporary wood-fired kiln
- A glaze spray booth
- A ventilated glaze room
Beginning students fire their own bisque kilns while upper-level students mix their own clay and glazes, as well as load and fire kilns.

Meet a
"I chose to attend UW-Green Bay because of my time spent at UWGB art camps. I took the ceramics class at the camp for 3 years in high school. After I graduated, I started assistant teaching at the camp alongside Dean Hoegger. Here I fell in love with UWGB’s impressive ceramics studio, raku firing and being a part of the UWGB community."
Molly Gwitt '21
Studio Manager at Clay Studio

Got Questions?
Professor Minkyu Lee 'kiln' answer them. He has a passion for ceramics and holds a lifetime membership in the International Academy of Ceramics.