Art Opportunities
Get involved
Opportunities on campus can help support your artistic experience.
College isn’t just about going to class – in order to get the most out of the art program at UW-Green Bay, enroll in an internship, exhibit your work in one of our galleries (or maybe even one of our coffee shops), apply for scholarships and join clubs. Most art-related opportunities are posted as they become available on the first floor of studio arts 'ART' bulletin boards.

Available Art-Related Opportunities
Lawton Gallery Internship
Get experience through an internship in our Green Bay campus gallery and learn about collection care, gallery practices, artwork conservation and more! Contact the Art Internship Coordinator for more information.
407 Gallery
Get a chance to mount solo shows or group shows with other students in the 407 Gallery, located on the fourth floor of the Studio Arts building. This space is organized by one of the Advanced Gallery and Museum Studies students.
Art Agency
Join the Art Agency, the Green Bay campus art club, and you’re guaranteed to hear about our art exhibition opportunities and can also connect with off-campus exhibitions, like Creative Coffee and the Annual Infusion Juried Exhibit. Email the student-led Art Agency at to find out more about how the group promotes the arts through:
- Bringing in visiting artists
- Displaying student work
- Building community connections through art sales and charitable events on and off campus
- Fundraising
Pride Center Internship
The pride centers at each of our four campuses are looking for art interns to organize and install artwork.
Art Scholarships
There’s no doubt: college is getting more and more expensive, but here at UW-Green Bay, we want to ensure education is accessible for everyone. That’s why we provide resources to find scholarships so you can mitigate your costs.
Study Abroad
Get the opportunity of a lifetime and expand your perspective of what art can be. Studying abroad in places like London, Rome, Tokyo or Dublin gives you more access to well-known museums and more artistic understandings. We also have two short-term travel courses in New York City and Florence, Italy to help expand your artistic education, inspiration and creation.
Sheepshead Review
Get practical experience and a publication opportunity before you even graduate. The Sheepshead Review is our art and literary journal published at UW-Green Bay. Each semester, submissions are taken for the upcoming volume. The best part? It’s free to submit. You can also sign up to take the Sheepshead class, where you get to be a part of the staff that publishes the journal.
Wisconsin Painters & Sculptors/Wisconsin Artists in All Media (WP&S/WAAM)
Get acclaim from the community by submitting your work to the WP&S/WAAM. This Statewide Wisconsin Art Organization is open to all artists who work in Wisconsin.
Juried Student Art Exhibit
Enter our annual Juried Student Art Exhibit for an opportunity to be recognized and receive an award for your work. The juror is a professional artist or curator from outside of UW-Green Bay. They select the work to be exhibited and the Jurors Award winners. Here are the details:
- Any UW-Green Bay student can enter up to three works in 2D or 3D media.
- The cost is $3 for the first work and $1 for additional work (up to three total).
- You can seek advice from any art faculty member.
- Works are generally due in early November. Watch for signs posted on the Studio Arts first floor bulletin boards and emails.
- Entry forms and labels must be attached to the works entered, and are available during the drop off times in the Lawton Gallery on the Green Bay campus.
Other awards may also be given by the Chancellor, Provost, Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University Union, Art Agency, Art Faculty and area businesses. Generally, the awards total around $1,000 to $2,000 in cash and purchase awards.
If you have any questions about your entries and how to best present your work, email the Curator of Art or any of the art faculty.
Senior Art Exhibit
There are usually two Senior Art Exhibits every spring semester depending on the number of students participating. The exhibits are at the Lawton Gallery on the second floor of Theatre Hall on the Green Bay campus.
Participating in the Senior Art Exhibit is an honor open to ALL majors who have the interest, skills and support of at least one member of the art faculty who becomes their Senior Exhibit Advisor.
Each participant in the Senior Exhibits receives feedback from the entire art faculty using the Senior Exhibition Evaluation Form. The senior(s) with the highest evaluation(s) will be awarded the designation of Outstanding Senior Exhibit.
Participating in the Senior Exhibits also gives you the opportunity to offer one or more of your works for faculty selection into the University Permanent Collection. Selection into the Permanent Collection is an honor as it means your work will be taken care of and displayed on campus. Email the Curator of Art for more information about this.

Ask Us
If you want to know more about ways to stoke your creative passions and broaden your resume, we can help answer any questions you have. Any questions about required paperwork for Senior Art Exhibits? Contact Professor Sarah Detweiler.