Expanding Perspectives
Sharing knowledge of the cultures and languages of the Middle East.
The Center for Middle East Studies and Partnerships seeks to help promote the Arabic language courses and infuse more Middle Eastern content into pre-existing courses. The Center also serves as a resource for the community on Middle East and North African issues.

Courses in Arabic are offered at UW-Green Bay through UW-System Collaborative Language Program and are also available for St. Norbert students.
The Center organizes and supports lectures, film screenings and roundtable discussions designed to provide education from a range of experts.
We've supported student groups like the Muslim Student Association (MSA) and made connections with community members from the Middle East.

Developing Partnerships
Collaborating to expand understand of Middle East culture and studies.
We’ve partnered with St. Norbert College to develop the UWGB-SNC Middle East Initiative, which seeks to promote understanding of North Africa and the Middle East, including a Great Discussions lecture series.
Arabic Language Courses
Here, you'll continue your study of one of the most interesting languages in the world. Arabic is a Semitic language and a member of the Afro-Asiatic language family. Contrary to what most people assume, Arabic is not any more difficult to learn than other languages. In fact, many aspects of Arabic grammar are simpler than English.
- Explore Arabic Language courses.
- Take a history course in the Rise of Islamic Civilization.
- Take a humanistic studies course in Topics in World Cultures.

Ask an Expert
Want to know more about the goals and initiatives of the Center for Middle East Studies and Partnerships? Get in touch with Professor David Coury, the co-director for our center.