Academic Wellness
Keeping you on track
True support means we're with you during the best (and not so best) of times.
Our goal is simple - to keep you in Good Standing. Good standing is when your cumulative grade point average is 2.00 or greater. If you ever fall below the 2.0 GPA, we'll be there to help you get back on track.

So, you got off track. It happens.
You'll have 2 semesters to get your cumulative GPA back up to above 2.0 before earning suspension. Dedicated teams are here to help every step of the way.
Strict Probation
Your GPA is 1.0 to 1.99 and there is some trouble. Schedule with your advisor to diagnose the problem. We'll talk about:
- Are there areas where you are struggling?
- Course calculations
- Discuss your successes
- Classes you are planning to take next semester and how repeating courses might help
- Majors/careers you are considering
Your GPA has been below 2.0 for some time. You've been off track for awhile but there are options and hope. We are going to work with you to find the best solution.
- Petition for Suspension Waiver
- Re-evaluate goals and take a semester off
- Maybe we aren't the best fit. Take classes at another institution and reapply later

One Class at a Time
Calculate your GPA.
Create a what if report or see what your grades could be with our GPA Calculator.
Student Success Resources
Every day more than 850 UW-Green Bay employees go to work with one goal—to see you succeed. Every department shares that unified mission. Take advantage of their help. We only succeed when you do.