Sheboygan Daily Visit
Surfs up!
Request a visit to the Sheboygan Campus.
Did you know that Sheboygan is known as the Malibu of the Midwest for surfing? Take a visit to the community and the campus to see all Sheboygan has to offer. During a typical visit, you will have a chance to learn about academics, facilities, and options at the Sheboygan Campus.

Join Us
Please complete the form below to select your visit date and time. Visits are offered on Mondays at 11 am and Fridays at 12 pm. Please don't hesitate to contact us at 920-459-6633 or email if you have any questions about your visit.
Are you an admitted student?
If you already have access to the Wings Portal, please log in to the portal to register for a daily visit campus tour. The Wings Portal is now open for all 2025 terms.
Daily Visit - Sheboygan