Apply First-Year
Try on Your Wings
Since this will be your first time taking classes at college, you will be applying as a first-year student. Take a look below to see what you need to complete your application.
Participating in Direct Admit Wisconsin? Take a look at the note below!

Applying to college: a few easy steps
There are just a couple of pieces in a completed application. Here's what to send.
Complete the Universities of Wisconsin Application.
Participating in Direct Admit Wisconsin? Complete your Direct Admit Form.
Test Scores
ACT and SAT scores are not required, but you are welcome to provide them. Learn more.
Have questions?
If you have questions or need help with this process, just contact us. Already applied? Check your status.
First-Year Student Application Guide

High school records
The best way to determine if you are likely to do well at UW-Green Bay is to review your performance in high school. Learn more about how we review your transcripts.

Test scores
Providing test scores is optional. It is not required for your application. Take a look at how test scores are used in your application.

Writing your essay
Preparing your application essay can be one of the most challenging parts of applying. Want to know what we are looking for in essays and lists of activities?

Get recommended
You are also not required to provide letters of recommendation in your application. If you’d like to, here’s what to keep in mind.

Direct Admit Wisconsin
If you have opted-in to the Direct Admit Wisconsin Program, the only thing you need to do is complete your Direct Admit Form to accept your offer!

Options & opportunities
UW-Green Bay students have many paths to success, including the GPS program and support at our four-campus locations. Learn more about options and opportunities.