List of Wisconsin's goldenrod species
with links to photos.
As currently understood, twenty four species of goldenrods have
been reported to occur in Wisconsin. Some authors would raise
the number of species to 25 by distinguishing Solidago altissima
as a species separate from S. canadensis. Others have placed
S. ptarmicoides in the genus Aster, reducing the
number to 23. Perhaps 6-10 species could be considered common,
at least in some significant portion of the state, and other species
may be locally common in a particular area. One species, Solidago
canadensis, is so common, widespread and variable as to be
emblematic of the genus.
Although the common perception of goldenrods is that of the robust,
bright yellow fields of Solidago canadensis, two of the
species have white flowers (Solidago bicolor and S.
ptarmicoides), several prefer wet habitats (e.g. S. patula,
S. riddellii, S. uliginosa, Euthamia graminifolia--sometimes)
and several do well in forests (e.g. S. flexicaulis, S.
patula, S. ulmifolia). Four species of Wisconsin's
goldenrods are rare enough to be assigned protective status (Solidago
caesia is endangered, S. simplex is threatened, S.
ohioensis and S. sciaphila are special concern ). Two
species (S. mollis and S. rugosa) are rare escapes
from cultivation, each known from only one site in the state,
though both are native elsewhere in the U.S.A.
The goldenrods can be difficult to identify and there is a strong
tendency for beginners to "identify" more species than
are present. This is especially true of S. canadensis with
diverse forms arising from internal and external factors that
can be confusing even within a single clone. Unlike many other
taxa, the characteristics of the flowers are often not the most
important issue for identification. Shape
of the inflorescence and characters of the leaves are often
critical and each has its challenges. Individual inflorescences
may not conform closely to the standard descriptions for a given
species and stems that have been damaged during development may
fail to meet expectations.
Many of the species of goldenrod are large enough to tempt inexperienced
collectors to take only the upper portion of the stem. It is not
necessary to collect the below-ground structures, but it is wise
to collect one or more full stems, because the lower
stem leaves may be of different shape and/or size than the upper
leaves and they may be critical in negotiating the key. The
lower leaves of some species may shrivel and fall off late in
the growing season, making identification difficult if the broader
suite of characters is not recognized. As in the collection of
all plant vouchers, it is a good idea to spend a few minutes to
determine that the specimens collected are representative of the
List of Wisconsin's goldenrod species
with links to photos.
Other helpful sources of information:
Salamun, P. J. 1964 [1963]. Preliminary Report on
the Flora of Wisconsin. 50. Compositae III (the genus Solidago).
Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters.
52:353 3 8 2 . This treatment is a bit old, but there is
a well written key and much good information specific to the goldenrods
of Wisconsin. The three Euthamia species were included
in Solidago at this time also.
Voss, Edward G.1972. Michigan Flora. Cranbrook Institute of Science.
Part III. Dicots (Pyrolaceae - Compositae). Bulletin 61. Includes
a good key to the goldenrods and text on the habitat of each species
by a knowledgeable field botanist. The key is a good match for
Wisconsin except it does not include the rare SW Wisconsin species
Solidago sciaphila and the rare weed Solidago mollis,
and he recognizes only two species of Euthamia (excludes
S. gymnospermioides). The key also includes the rare S.
houghtonii and the introduced S. sempervirens, neither
of which has been reported from Wisconsin.
of the Wisconsin Prairie and Savanna Flora by T.S. Cochrane
& H.H. Iltis: Department of Natural Resources Tech. Bull. 191.
Not all goldenrods are included, but there are excellent discussions
of several species, including habitat, distribution information,
flowering and fruiting time.