Trees of Wisconsin

Salix amygdaloides Andersson
peach-leaved willow
Family: Salicaceae
tree leaves leaf undersurface
tree leaves leaf under surface branch leaves male ament mature capsules

Among the simple, alternate-leaved trees in Wisconsin, the genus Salix shares the unique character of a single visible outer bud scale, making the willows as a group relatively easy to recognize. In addition to the 7 species of willow trees listed in this web site there are 17 species of willow shrubs in Wisconsin, also with simple, alternate leaves (but see S. purpurea) and a single outer bud scale. The willow species are difficult to distinguish and any "shortcuts" around the proven keys are likely to result in frequent errors. See the key to tree willows for helpful characters to identify the species, or try the more thorough keys in Michigan Flora vol 2.

The leaves of Salix amygdaloides are simple and alternate and the margins are regularly fine-toothed. There are usually no glands at the juncture of blade and petiole (or glands are very reduced), in contrast to the much more common invasive Salix fragilis (and others). The undersides of leaves are usually somewhat whitened and they display a fine network of veins branching and rejoining. Flowers in the aments tend to form whorls (see "mature capsules" above).

Salix amygdaloides is a native species of wet habitats and is relatively uncommon. Most of the documented locations are in the southern part of Wisconsin.


known Wisconsin distribution


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