Active Shooter Response
Learn what to do in a shooting event
While many members of the UW-Green Bay campus community have attended one of Public Safety’s active shooter presentations, this is training that needs to be reviewed often so that it becomes second nature. So please, even if you have recently attended active shooter response training, take a few moments to review the information below and watch the Run, Hide, Fight video. This information just may save your life one day. |
- Have an escape plan
- Evacuate
- Leave your belongings
- Help others if possible
- Do not move wounded people
- Be out of shooter's view
- Lock doors, block them with furniture
- Keep your options for movement
- Silence phone
- Be quiet
Only as a last resort.
Be prepared!
- Act aggressively
- Incapacitate the active shooter
- Throw objects
- Yell and call for help
Call 9-911
- When you are safe, call 9-911 from a campus phone or 911
- Give information to the operator
When police arrive
- Follow the instructions of police officers
- Drop any object you may have in your hands
- Keep hands visible
Stay informed
In the event of a campus emergency, official emergency communication will be posted at
Register for GB Alert, UW-Green Bay's emergency notification system, to be notified via text message or email in the event of a campus emergency. More about GB Alert.
Schedule a briefing for your group
If you would like to schedule an in-person active shooter briefing for a group (student group, office, etc.) please email Officer Dave Jones at
Public Safety
UW-Green Bay Police