Security Reports & Crime Data
The UW-Green Bay University Police Department strives to be transparent about incidents on campus. This transparency builds awareness to inform students, faculty and staff of campus security.
Annual Security Report and Fire Safety Report
The Annual Security Report and Fire Safety Reports are available at the University Police office upon request. Online versions of these reports are accessible by clicking the links below, which will open a PDF file.
Previous Reports
- 2023-24 Annual Security Report
- 2022-23 Annual Security Report
- 2021-22 Annual Security Report
- 2020-21 Annual Security Report
- 2019-20 Annual Security Report
- 2018-19 Annual Security Report
- 2017-18 Annual Security Report
- 2016-17 Annual Security Report
- 2015-16 Annual Security Report
- 2014-15 Annual Security Report
Crime Report Data
The UW-Green Bay Police Department maintains a specific Clery Crime and Fire Log, updated within two business days after receiving a report. A copy of the log, which is maintained for minimum of 60 days, can be viewed in person at UW-Green Bay Police Department located at 2420 Nicolet Drive Instructional Services, IS Building, Room 1024, during normal business hours. The links below are provided as a courtesy, for ease of access by the general public, and to reduce clerical demands on our front office. The following is specific to Clery reportable crimes and is NOT a definitive list of all officer calls for service.
Use of Force
Nationwide, historical data supports that a small percentage of police-public encounters involve force. When you isolate the use of force beyond empty hand control techniques by University Police, uses of force become exceedingly rare. Policy and State law requires Officers to use the minimal effective force necessary based on the situation to accomplish their lawful objectives.
When injuries occur as a result of the use of force, they are likely to be minor. In one study cited by the Office of Justice Programs, it found that the most common injury to a suspect was a bruise or abrasion (48 percent), and force is most commonly used only when a suspect is resisting arrest.
University Police are committed to transparency and report all use of force incidents to the Wisconsin Department of Justice. The Wisconsin Department of Justice website contains a Use-of-Force and Arrest-Related Death (UFAD) Data Explorer, which is a state-wide list of incidents where force was used. This would include any incidents involving University Police Officers.

Get Informed
If you need more information about security reports and crime data, get in touch with University Police.