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Committee Charge

University Staff Committee Charge

The USC comprises seven eligible university staff members with at least three elected each year for two-year terms. Terms correspond to the University's fiscal year. A representative shall not serve more than three consecutive terms, and a one-year break is required for anyone serving the maximum term limit before resuming membership. Members of the Committee should broadly represent the campus community. In addition, there shall be one Human Resources representative ex officio, non-voting member, appointed by the Human Resources Director.


1) To promote and provide professional development and individual career support to university staff through education, training, mentoring, networking, and communication.

2) To recommend and actively participate in the development of campus policies and practices, which are in the best interest of the university staff at-large and consistent with the goals and mission of the University.

3) To appoint and recommend university staff members for University-wide committee service, including search and screen committees for administrative appointments and to approve the creation of joint governance committees.

4) To serve as the liaison to faculty, academic staff, and student governance groups.

5) To survey needs, review concerns, and identify goals of the university staff.

6) To call general and special meetings of the university staff, and/or call for special email ballot voting as deemed necessary, including responding to written petition of ten percent of the eligible university staff concerning USC action.

7) To serve as the channel for official communication from the Chancellor in regard to issues affecting the university staff, and to consider any matters which may be referred to the USC by the Chancellor.

8) To initiate communication with the Chancellor, other officers, and other employee groups of the institution when appropriate.

9) To establish and assign responsibilities to, receive resignations from, and recommend replacements for university staff committees, subcommittees, and task forces.