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Committee Charge

University Staff Election Committee Charge

The Election Committee will consist of three university staff members serving two-year terms, with at least one member elected each year to ensure continuity. All members shall be elected at-large.


a) To solicit candidates from among the eligible university staff to serve on elected and appointed committees via an annual survey.

b) To prepare ballots for the open positions on the university staff subcommittees in accordance with the membership criteria established for each committee, and to strive for broad representation of the campus community.

c) To facilitate and oversee the voting process, which includes two nominees when possible for each open committee seat, and provide space for write-in candidates.

d) To submit the numerical results of the election and the recommendations for campus-wide appointive committee assignments to the USC Chair prior to the last USC meeting of the fiscal year.

e) To consult with the Office of the Secretary of the Faculty and Academic Staff to determine whether vacancies occurring because of resignations or leaves of absence shall be filled by appointment or special election.

f) To facilitate retention of university staff and promote/encourage leadership and involvement in university staff governance.

g) To act as a liaison to Human Resources regarding new university staff hires and the campus-wide new employee orientation process.